
Last update:08-02-2024 12:13:41

The reconfiguration of the State Attorney's Office website, started in October 2007 and still underway, places particular attention on accessibility and usability criteria.

The design and implementation activities for the reconfiguration of the site are carried out in compliance with the technical requirements indicated in the Ministerial Decree implementing Law 4 of 9 January 2004.

However, it is important to underline that the reconfiguration process is carried out gradually through iterative processes that aim to continuously improve and optimize the usability of the contents. At the current date, in addition to the Home Page, the sections

  • The Attorney General
  • The organization
  • The legislation
  • Functions
  • History
  • Who defends
  • The administration in court
  • Bar review
  • Competitions
  • Extrajudicial assignments
  • News
  • Footer (Contacts, site guide, accessibility, privacy, disclaimer, copyright)

These sections were developed in compliance with the requirements dictated by current legislation and work is ongoing to improve them and make them completely usable and accessible. Below we indicate the main measures adopted to achieve this objective.

Connections (links)

Links are generally made up of textual elements, recognizable by the underlining that appears when the mouse or other pointing system passes over them. Any links that lead outside the lawyer's website have the "Title" attribute which contains the wording "External link".


All images have the "Alt" attribute which briefly describes their content; Purely descriptive images have an empty "Alt" attribute. In the case of particularly complex images there is a link to a file in which the image is described in detail.

Compliance with standards

All pages of the reconfigured site were created in compliance with XHTML 1.0 Strict language standards.

The definition of the appearance of the site was created in accordance with the CSS 2 specifications.

The remaining parts of the site lead to previous pages and sections, not yet renewed, which will gradually take on the new configuration. Together with the new configuration, these parts will be developed according to the criteria established by the Law and will undergo the necessary checks in terms of compliance with accessibility requirements.

Therefore the accessibility of the site will proceed hand in hand with the migration of the contents and the reconfiguration process of the site, which will be concluded in the next few months.

The migration and adaptation plan to accessibility regulations will be promptly communicated.

Last updated: March 6, 2008