Administrative staff competitions

Last update:08-02-2024 02:37:17

Legal body of the State competent to represent, sponsor and assist in legal proceedings the State Administration in all its articulations.

Concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esami, a complessive 94 unità di personale amministrativo  (Area III – Fascia retributiva F3)  caratterizzate da specifiche professionalità  con orientamento giuridico, da inquadrare nei ruoli del personale della Corte dei Conti e dell’Avvocatura dello Stato

Ripam competition for the selection of 2293 personnel, second area, to be allocated to: the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Culture and the State Attorney's Office. Published in the Official Gazette, no. 104 - IV Special Series Competitions and exams - of 31 December 2021. The application must be submitted exclusively electronically, by completing the specific electronic form on the “Step-One 2019” system, by 2.00 pm on 7 February 2022.

Goodwill to selection for full-time and permanent hiring of n. 1 unit of staff to be classified in the professional profile of auxiliary, Area I, salary bracket F1 , in the role of administrative staff of the State Attorney, reserved for members referred to in art. 8 of Law 68/99 in the provincial lists of Perugia.

Public competition, for examinations, for a total of 52 units of administrative staff (area III salary bracket F1) characterized by specific professionalism with a legal - financial - economic orientation to be placed in the roles of the staff of the Court of Auditors and the State Advocacy (deadline 6 October 2020)

Public competition, based on qualifications and exams, for the coverage of two thousand one hundred thirty-three (raised to 2736) positions of full-time and permanent non-executive staff, to be classified in Area III, salary position / salary bracket F1, or equivalent categories or levels, in administrative officer profile, in the roles of various administrations. Published in the Official Gazette, no. 50 - IV Special Series Competitions and exams - of 30 June 2020.

Goodwill to selection, pursuant to art. 16 of the law 28 February 1987, n. 56, for the full-time and permanent hiring of n. 11 units | state advocacy to be included in the professional profile of administrative clerk, Area II, F1 salary bracket, in the role of the administrative staff of the State Advocacy