
Last update:26-04-2021 09:13:57

Via F. Rubichi, 39 - ZIP code 73100
tel. 0832-254111 (8 automatic search lines)
fax 0832 / 246.913 (administrative secretary) - 0832 / 301.912 (archive)
CF 80018710758

Email: lecce@avvocaturastato.it


  • institutional correspondence: lecce@mailcert.avvocaturastato.it
  • for communications and procedural notifications: ads.le@mailcert.avvocaturastato.it
    (Address registered in the register called "Reginde", provided for by art. 7 of Ministerial Decree no. 44/2011, and in the register referred to in art. 16, paragraph 12, of Legislative Decree 179/2012, both declared "public lists" from art.16 ter of Legislative Decree 179/2012)

District Attorney

State lawyers