Litigation activity

In 10 days the portability of the telephone number on the fixed network

The Council of State, section VI, with ordinance no. 5709 of 11/18/2009, confirming the previous ruling of the Lazio TAR, n. 5045/2009, rejected the request for suspension of resolution no. 41/09 adopted by the Communications Authority with which the migration times - that is to say those procedures that allow the end user to transfer their landline telephone number from one operator to another while keeping the telephone number used up to that moment - have been reduced to 10 working days starting from 1/11/2009 and to 5 working days starting from 1/3/2010. In particular, the Council of State pointed out that in comparing the disputed interests, that of users should be better protected in order not to see their right to choose the telephone operator hindered.