State Bar Review

Conference “Justice reforms and the PNRR” 21 October 2023

The conference "Justice reforms and the PNRR" was organized by the District Attorney's Office of the State of Lecce, directed by the lawyer Antonio Livio Tarentini, on 21 October 2023 at the institutional headquarters in Via F. Rubichi n. 39. The initiative pursued the objective of deepening the state of the art of these reforms, crucial for the destinies of Italy, offering an opportunity for discussion between institutional subjects, professionals and scholars to focus on the critical issues emerging from the process of ongoing reform, the potential of the different options applicable in the Italian system and the scenarios that can arise with their implementation. In fact, it saw the participation of Government representatives and some of the most important experts in the field of law. The institutional greetings were addressed by the State Attorney General Gabriella Palmieri Sandulli (remotely), by the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR Hon. Raffaele Fitto, by the representatives of the territorial bodies (Puglia Region , Municipality and Province of Lecce), by the heads of the local civil, criminal, tax and administrative judiciaries, by representatives of the University, the Chamber of Commerce of Lecce, the Bar Association, the business world and Rotary. The reports dealt with all aspects of justice reforms in connection with the PNRR and were illustrated by the Deputy Minister of Justice Sen. Francesco Paolo Sisto (The reform of the criminal trial), by the President of the Council of State Avv. Luigi Maruotti (The trial administrative and the PNRR), by prof. Gianvito Giannelli of the University of Bari (The reform of civil proceedings), by the lawyer. Maurizio Villani (The reform of justice and the tax process) and by the President of the Section of the Council of State, Dr. Francesco Caringella (Objectives and proposals for justice reform). The conference, chaired and moderated by the Director of TGNorba24, Dr. Vincenzo Magistà, was closed by the concluding speech of the District Attorney Antonio Livio Tarentini. The conference "Justice reforms and the PNRR" was held in collaboration with the Prefecture of Lecce, with the patronage of the Council of State, of the TAR of Puglia section. of Lecce, the Court of Appeal of Lecce and the University of Salento, as well as with the contribution of Banca Popolare Pugliese, BCC Terra d'Otranto, BCC Leverano, Quarta Caffè, ArtWork cooperative and Rotary district 2120. It is possible to review the conference (starting from minute 27.38) by connecting to the following link:

District State Attorney's Office - Lecce - Brochure

Event Press Review