General secretary

Appointed the Secretary General of the State Advocacy

On the proposal of the Advocate General of the State and unanimous favorable opinion of the Council of Lawyers and State Attorneys, with DPR 21 June 2011 the lawyer Francesco Sclafani was appointed Secretary General of the State Advocacy. Francesco Sclafani was born in L'Aquila April 28, 1958. Curriculum • March 26, 1981 he graduated with honors in law from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (thesis: "Protection of confidentiality and mass media", supervisor Prof. N. Irti );
• from 1981 to 1983 he carried out the prescribed period of legal practice, obtaining registration in the Register of Legal Attorneys of Rome;
• in 1984 he won the competition launched by the Council of the Bar and Procurators of Rome for the appointment of the XV Conference of Young Lawyers and was awarded the toga of honor in memory of Avv. Prof. Aldo M. Sandulli;
• on November 15, 1985 he won the competition for the State Attorney and placed in office he was assigned to the Attorney General;
• on February 16, 1989 he won the competition for the State Attorney and placed in office he was assigned to the Attorney General;
• in July 1989 he attended the English Law course at the City of London Polytechnic, passing the final exam;
• from 1988 to 1993 he carried out teaching and study activities as a fellow at the chair of Private International Law of LUISS - Free International University of Social Studies;
• from 1993 to 1999 he was legal consultant at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Office of Administrative Coordination, where he mainly deals with the activities of the Commission for access to administrative documents;
• from 1994 to 2000 he collaborated with the Secretary General of the State Advocacy as a lawyer assigned to the General Secretariat and was editor of the Review of the State Advocacy;
• from March 1999 to December 2002 he was legal advisor to the Competition and Market Authority and represents the Authority in the main judgments before the TAR and the Council of State;
• in 2002 he was a member of the examining commission for the competition for the theoretical-practical exam for 9 positions as State Attorney;
• from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2005, he was in charge of the Legal Service of the Antitrust Authority, placed in an out-of-office position;
• from 2001 to 2006 he held a contract teaching assignment in Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law of the LUISS Free International University of Social Studies in Rome;
• from July 16, 2006 to March 15, 2011 he was Head of the Legislative and Legal Affairs Department of the Authority for Electricity and Gas, placed in a non-permanent position;
• on 26 June 2011 he was appointed Secretary General of the State Advocacy.