
  • Events
    21 June 2021
    Social enterprises and general interest purposes to protect the common good

    State Attorney General Via dei Portoghesi, 12 - Rome Sala Vanvitelli Wednesday 13 June - 4 pm

  • Events
    21 June 2021
    The resumption of evidence on appeal: dialectic between the courts (EU and Italy) against the backdrop of the Orlando reform

    State Attorney General Via dei Portoghesi, 12 - Rome Sala Vanvitelli Monday 2 July - 3.30 pm

  • fresco room
    18 June 2021
    State Aid: New Frontiers

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  • building
    Video Conference
    04 May 2021
    Mediterranean countries, new collaboration formulas

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  • sandulli
    Advocate General
    22 March 2021
    Speech by the State Advocate General

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