
Last update:04-07-2022 01:52:45

The Equal Opportunities Committee of the State Advocacy set up with DSG 20.3.2007 , in compliance with art. 7 of the CCNL for employees of the Ministries for the regulatory four-year period 98/2001


Write to the Committee

The link to the website of the Department for Equal Opportunities at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

The Committee for Equal Opportunities for Lawyers and State Attorneys - CPOAPS was established by decree of the Advocate General on 30 June 2008 n. 11885, in implementation of the law 10.4.1991 n.125 (on equality between men and women) and article 7 of legislative decree 23.5.2000 n.196, similarly to what is already provided for in the various magistrate careers.

This Committee works side by side with the Equal Opportunities Committee, from a contractual source, also made up of representatives of the administrative staff.

The CPOAPS is part of the Network of CPOs of the legal professions set up within the CSM.

Note from the Advocate General

Internal organization regulations

Write to the Committee