
  • Advocate General
    21 June 2021
    Important recognition for the Advocate General

    The Attorney General of the State Ignazio Francesco Caramazza, during a solemn ceremony held on Saturday 21 May, was awarded an honorary doctorate in law at the prestigious Loyola University of Chicago.

  • General secretary
    21 June 2021
    Appointed the Secretary General of the State Advocacy

    On the proposal of the Advocate General of the State and unanimous favorable opinion of the Council of Lawyers and State Attorneys, with DPR 21 June 2011 the lawyer Francesco Sclafani was appointed Secretary General of the State Advocacy.

  • Notices and Announcements
    21 June 2021
    New regulation on the conduct of the competition for State Attorney

    Presidential Decree 11 July 2011, n. 161 (1). Regulation containing amendments and additions to the rules on the conduct of the competition as state attorney. ________________________________________ (1) Published in the Gazz.

  • Events
    21 June 2021
    Hans Hartung in Naples, the European rebirth of Art and Places

    Attorney of the State of Naples
    Via A. Diaz, 11 - Naples
    Friday 23 March 2012, at 6 pm by Massimo Riposati and Antonio Sapone

  • Events
    21 June 2021
    Presentation of the work of Prof. Carmine Punzi "Systematic Design of Arbitration"

    On Tuesday 22 May at 3.30 pm, in the Vanvitelli Room of the Avvocatura dello Stato, the presentation of the work of Prof. Carmine Punzi "Systematic Arbitration Design" will take place

  • Events
    21 June 2021
    Seminar of the Observatory on administrative regulation

    Thursday 17 May at 2.30pm / 6.00pm, at the Sala Vanvitelli of the Avvocatura dello Stato, Observatory on administrative regulation - Seminar on: “Smart grids: towards a new regulation of dispatching”.

  • Events
    21 June 2021
    Conference on "The traceability of financial flows"

    The conference on "The traceability of financial flows" will be held on Thursday 10 May at 3.30 / 7.30 pm in the Sala Vanvitelli of the Avvocatura dello Stato.

  • Events
    21 June 2021
    Nineteenth century in the State Advocacy

    Every Friday - from 15.00 to 17.00 - a permanent exhibition is open to the public, for the first time, in the headquarters of the District Attorney of Naples.

  • Notices and Announcements
    21 June 2021
    New provisions for admissions to legal practice at the State Attorney's Office.

    Starting from 1 September 2013, the minimum practice period to be carried out on the expiry date of the application submission deadline is 12 months (DAG 12604 on 8 May 2013).