Experts in digital transformation processes

Last update:30-05-2023 02:55:00

The art. 1 -bis , paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 31 December 2020, n. 183 (as amended by art. 10, paragraph 11-bis, letters a) and b), Legislative Decree 1 April 2021, n. 44, converted, with amendments, by Law 28 May 2021, n. 76.) containing " Provisions on the recruitment of personnel in public administrations", provides that:

"Pending the conclusion of the insolvency procedure" referred to in the previous periods of the same article, aimed at the recruitment and hiring of administrative and managerial staff, "and, in any case, no later than 31 December 2022, the State Attorney's Office is authorized to make use of experts in possession of specific and high competence in the development and management of projects and processes of technological and digital transformation, through the assignment of no more than five individual assignments, with an independent employment contract with a maximum duration of twelve months, pursuant to of article 7, paragraph 6, of the legislative decree 30 March 2001, n. 165, drawing on the resources referred to in this paragraph, for a maximum expenditure of 438,872 euros". By virtue of the foregoing, the same provision also provides that "the hiring of 10 units in Area III, economic position F1, including the 5 units with particular professional specialization referred to in the second period, are carried out with effect not before upon expiry of the aforesaid self-employment contracts".

Expressions of interest can be sent to the following certified email address:

It should be noted that for the purpose of conferring the assignment, only the expressions of interest presented in the last year will be examined.