• Instance no. 11 of 2023

  • Instance type
  • Year
  • Number
  • Date Instance
  • Site
    Attorney Distr. Trento
  • Instance object

    Request for correspondence regarding the legal assistance provided to the Municipality of Rovereto in the case MUNICIPALITY OF ROVERETO v. AGOSTINO CAROLLO - drafts of the briefs and documentation of the study/research relating to the case carried out by the State Prosecutor of the District Attorney's Office of Trento. Curriculum and documentation on the financial and economic situation of the Prosecutor.

  • Counter-interested presence
  • Outcome
  • Measure date
  • Summary of reasons for partial acceptance or refusal

    The documents and correspondence relating to disputes handled by the undersigned Avvocatura on behalf and in the interest of the Municipality of Rovereto and all the characteristic professional and salary-economic documentation of the lawyers in service are excluded from the right of access.

  • Date of submission request for review
  • Review outcome
  • Date of the review measure
  • Review - Summary of the reasons

    The case in question falls within the cases of absolute exception referred to in art. 5-bis, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree no. 14 March 2013. 33. Furthermore, in application of art. 24, paragraph 1, of ln 241 of 1990 and articles. 2 and 3 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 26 January 1996 n. 200 "Regulation containing rules for the regulation of categories of documents formed or in any case falling within the scope of the powers of the State Attorney's Office removed from the right of access" the documents and correspondence relating to disputes handled by the District Attorney's Office of Trento, on behalf and in the interest of the Municipality of Rovereto, as well as all the characteristic matriculation, professional, salary and economic documentation of the lawyers in service at the State Attorney's Office are removed from the right of access.