• Instance no. 3 of 2020

  • Instance type
  • Year
  • Number
  • Date Instance
  • Site
    Avv. General Rome
  • Instance object

    The data used for the conferment and calculation of the pension due to oneself by the "omissis" (INPS Acts n. TS1032019000387 of 05/07/2019 and n. 1032019000774 of 02/08/2019) divided for each individual period into: - salaries fixed and continuous, - basic salaries for 18%, - additional salaries.

  • Counter-interested presence
  • Outcome
  • Measure date
  • Date of submission request for review
  • Review outcome
  • Date of the review measure
  • Review - Summary of the reasons

    Following a cooperative interview at the end of which the object of the request for review was clarified by the applicant also in the same way as the response provided, albeit late, at the access, following the review the requested documents were sent (Management Note Provincial INPS 05/07/2019, transmission of deed no. TS103201900387, for the granting of an early pension (former seniority), paid with the Mixed system starting from the "omissis", and related attachment; Note Provincial INPS Management 02/08/2019 , of transmission of deed no. TS103201900774, for the granting of an early pension (former seniority), paid with the Mixed system starting from the "omissis", and related attachment; INPS Document Hypothesis of pension accrued at the "omissis". The economic calculation data and information relating to the methods of communication between the Administration and INPS.