Total amount of prizes

Last update:17-01-2024 11:21:02
Dati relativi alla valutazione della performance e alla distribuzione dei premi al personale
(art. 20 d.lgs n. 33/2013)
Anno 2022
Ammontare complessivo dei premi:
Ammontare complessivo dei premi collegati alla performance stanziati
(comprensivo della maggiorazione, di cui all'art. 78 CCNL):
  € 612.738,29 
Ammontare dei premi di performance effettivamente distribuiti   € 612.738,27
Data relating to performance evaluation and distribution of bonuses to staff
(art. 20 legislative decree no. 33/2013)
Year 2021
Total amount of prizes:
Total amount of performance-related bonuses allocated
(including the increase, pursuant to art. 78 CCNL):
Amount of performance bonuses actually distributed €309,791.50
Data relating to performance evaluation and distribution of bonuses to staff
(art. 20 legislative decree no. 33/2013)
Year 2020
Total amount of prizes:
Total amount of performance-related bonuses allocated
(including the increase, pursuant to art. 78 CCNL):
Amount of performance bonuses actually distributed €229,893.40
Data relating to performance evaluation and distribution of bonuses to staff
(art. 20 legislative decree no. 33/2013)
Year 2019
Total amount of prizes:
Total amount of performance-related bonuses allocated
(including the increase, pursuant to art. 78 CCNL):
Amount of performance bonuses actually distributed €744,133.32
Data relating to performance evaluation and distribution of bonuses to staff
(art. 20 legislative decree no. 33/2013)
Year 2018
Total amount of prizes:
Total amount of performance-related bonuses allocated
(including the increase, pursuant to art. 78 CCNL):
Amount of performance bonuses actually distributed €664,933.90