Adoption decree

Last update:21-07-2021 09:08:13


GIVEN the Consolidated Law on the State Attorney's Office, approved with Royal Decree 30.10.1933, n. 1611 and the relative Regulation of the same date n. 1612 and subsequent amendments;

GIVEN the DPR 5.7.1995, n. 333;

GIVEN art. 54, paragraph 5, of the Legislative Decree. 30.3.2001, n. 165, as amended by art. 1, paragraph 44, of Law 6 .11. 2012 n. 190, relating to the adoption of the Codes of Conduct by each administration;

GIVEN the Presidential Decree of 16 April 2013, n. 62, regulation containing the code of conduct for public employees, and in particular articles 1 and 2;

GIVEN Resolution no. 75/2013 of ANAC (formerly CIVIT)

GIVEN the note dated 24/1/2014 , with which the Head for the Prevention of Corruption of the State Attorney's Office transmits the text of the "Code of conduct for the administrative staff of the State Attorney's Office" and the related explanatory report, to purposes of its adoption;

HAVING HEARD the Evaluation Unit for internal control, pursuant to art. 11 of the Presidential Decree of 5 July 1995, n. 333;

CONSIDERING that the participatory path preordained for its adoption has been duly completed - through publication of the “Code of conduct for administrative staff of the Avvocatura dello Stato” for consultation on the institutional website for a suitable period of time;

CONSIDERING to provide, pursuant to art. 54, paragraph 5, of the Legislative Decree. n. 165/2001, to the adoption of the "Code of conduct for the administrative staff of the State Attorney"


Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 54, paragraph 5, of the Legislative Decree. 30.3.2001, n. 165, as amended by art. 1, paragraph 44, of Law 6.11.2012, n. 190, the "Code of conduct of the administrative staff of the State Attorney" is adopted, which together with the explanatory report is attached to this decree.

Rome, 24 January 2014

signed by Michele Giuseppe Dipace