Competitions completed

Last update:05-07-2021 12:48:10

District Attorney of the State of Naples

European open tender for the award of the facility management, cleaning and environmental hygiene service, maintenance of the facilities of the District Attorney of the State of Naples - CIG 855437096F Total amount € 618,873.64 of which € 4,580,000 for charges for safety - Duration of the contract: 4 (four) years with the option of renewal for a further year Deadline for receipt of offers: 28/01 / 2021_ Local time: 10:00 - The call for tender was sent to the OJEU on 22 December 2020 and published in GURI n. 158 of 28/12/2020 The tender documentation is published on the Transparent Administration Portal of MIT at the link Archive11_bandi-gare-e-contratti_0_258180_876_1.html and on the platform https: // ooppcampania

District Attorney of the State of Naples

European open tender for the award of the facility management, cleaning and environmental hygiene service, maintenance of the facilities of the District Attorney of the State of Naples - CIG 855437096F Total amount € 618,873.64 of which € 4,580,000 for charges for safety - Duration of the contract: 4 (four) years with the option of renewal for a further year Deadline for receipt of offers: 28/01 / 2021_ Local time: 10:00 - The call for tender was sent to the OJEU on 22 December 2020 and published in GURI n. 158 of 28/12/2020 The tender documentation is published on the Transparent Administration Portal of MIT at the link Archive11_bandi-gare-e-contratti_0_258180_876_1.html and on the platform https: // ooppcampania

State Attorney General

We inform you that on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, in the Transparent Administration Section - Tenders and Contracts , the calls for tenders, expiring on 12/4/2019, relating to the following procedures that the OO.PP Superintendency . of the Lazio Office I of Rome, as central purchasing body, will carry out on behalf of the Attorney General of the State:

  1. CIG Code: 7799499E2C - Document handling service between the offices of the State Attorney General of Rome - Amount of the contract: € 1,193,186.68 - Office: Interregional Superintendency for Lazio, Abruzzo and Sardinia - Uff1 Rome - Date of publication: 13-03-2019 Date of expiry: 12-04-2019 Date of publication on the GURI: 08-03-2019;

  2. CIG Code: 7799476B32 - External archive management services for legal affairs and conservation and return of administrative documents of the State Attorney General in via dei Portoghesi, Rome - Contract amount: € 2,192,225.80 - Office: Interregional superintendency for Lazio, Abruzzo and Sardinia - Uff1 Rome - Date of publication: 13-03-2019 - Date of expiry: 12-04-2019 - Date of publication on the GURI: 08-03-2019;

  3. CIG Code: 77994494EC - Integrated management of maintenance services at the premises of the State Attorney General ROME - Contract amount: € 2,289,389.09 - Office: Interregional Superintendency for Lazio, Abruzzo and Sardinia - Off1 Rome - Date of publication: 13-03-2019 - Date of expiry: 12-04-2019 - Date of publication on the GURI: 08-03-2019;

  4. CIG Code: 7799166B60 - Document scanning and registration services for the headquarters of the State Attorney General in via dei Portoghesi, Rome. Amount of the contract: € 817,887.59 - Office: Interregional Superintendency for Lazio, Abruzzo and Sardinia - Uff1 Rome - Date of publication: 13-03-2019 - Date of expiry: 12-04-2019 - Date of publication on the GURI: 08-03-2019

District Attorney of the State of Naples

Three-year assignment of the document management service with operator

Assignment, by means of a bridging contract, of Facility Management services

District Attorney of the State of Turin

Assignment and management of the food and beverage service through vending machines, on free loan.

Avvocatura Distrettuale dello Stato di Genova

Affidamento e gestione del servizio di somministrazione di alimenti e bevande attraverso distributori automatici, in comodato gratuito.