Contests Lawyer and prosecutor

Last update: 11-11-2022 10:40:29

Appointments as State Prosecutor and State Lawyer are made following public competitions. Specific requirements are required to participate in both the State Prosecutor and State Lawyer competitions. Legal practice for practicing the profession of lawyer can be completed at the State Attorney's Office. It should be noted that the practice carried out does not give any qualification for admission into the careers of the State Attorney's Office, which can be accessed exclusively through a public competition for exams.

Competitions in progress

Competition within the home page.

Competition for 15 positions for State Lawyer

Competition for ten posts of State Attorney, announced with DAG 29 July 2021, published in the Official Gazette 4th Special Series - Competitions and exams - n. 66 of 20 August 2021.

Application submission deadline h. 23.59 on 19 October 2021.