How to become a state attorney

Last update:29-07-2021 04:58:16

Requirements for participation in the competition

The appointment as State Attorney takes place following a public competition, announced by decree of the Advocate General and published in the Official Gazette, for a predetermined number of positions.

To participate in the competition, the law requires the possession, on the expiry date of the application submission deadline, of the following requirements:

  • Italian citizenship
  • age between 18 and 35 years
  • specialist degree in law or law degree obtained according to the previous system following the university course with a legal duration of not less than four years
  • those who have not previously obtained eligibility twice are not admitted.

The tests of the competition

The competition consists of three written tests , of a theoretical-practical nature, lasting eight hours each, on the following subjects:

  • Private law and / or civil procedural law
  • Criminal law and / or criminal procedure
  • Substantive and / or procedural administrative law

Those who achieve, in each of them, a score ranging from a minimum of six to a maximum of ten pass the written tests.

Those who pass the written tests are admitted to the oral test which, in addition to the subjects indicated for the written tests, covers the following subjects:

  • Constitutional right
  • Private international law
  • Community law
  • Tax law
  • Labor law
  • Elements of legal informatics

Candidates who achieve a score ranging from a minimum of six to a maximum of ten in the oral exam, assessed as a whole, are declared suitable.
The ranking

The classification of candidates is determined by the sum of the average of the points reported in the written tests and by the point reported in the oral test.

The commission forms the ranking of suitable candidates as indicated in article 4 of the royal decree of January 30, 1941, n. 120.

In the event of equal points, the preferential criteria referred to in art. 5 of the decree of the President of the Republic 9 May 1994, n. 487 and subsequent amendments as well as art. 2, point 9) of Law No. 191 of 16 June 1998.