Document of attestation

Last update:20-07-2021 03:21:35

Document certifying resolution no. 77_2013
The State Attorney's Office for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency, pursuant to art. 14, c. 4, lett. g) of the d. lgs n. 150/2009 and ANAC resolutions n. 50/2013 and 77/2013, verified the publication, completeness, updating and opening of the format of each document, data and information listed in Annex 1 - Survey grid at 31 December 2013 of resolution no. . 77/2013.
Based on the above, the Transparency Manager, pursuant to art. 14, c. 4, lett. g), of the legislative decree n. 150/2009.

The truthfulness and reliability, at the date of the certification, of what is reported in Annex 1 with respect to what is published on the website of the Avvocatura dello Stato.

Rome, January 27, 2014

The Head of Corruption Prevention
The Transparency Manager
Daniela Frascaroli