Summary sheet on the survey

Last update:20-07-2021 03:22:32

Summary sheet on the survey carried out on the data subject to the verification ordered by the ANAC with resolution no. 77/2013

Date of the report : from 2/12/2013 to 31/12/2013

Extent of the survey: the survey concerned the entire complex of the State Attorney's Office:
the Attorney General's Office and the 25 District Attorneys, whose data are fully understood and published on the single institutional site

Procedures and methods followed for the survey:
- interviews and exchanges of information took place with the heads of the Offices who provided the documentation to be published;
- the documentation provided was examined and a comparison was also made with the material present in the database;
- interviews were held with those responsible for the publication, also regarding the format of the published data and, subsequently, the data provided by the relevant Offices were compared with those published

Critical aspects encountered during the survey:
- The code of conduct of the administrative staff of the Avvocatura dello Stato is present on the institutional website outside the "Transparent Administration" section because it is in the public consultation phase pending final adoption;
- In the subsection of level 1 - Organization - Bodies of political and administrative policy - the last tax return and declaration concerning the changes in the financial situation that took place in the previous year and a copy of the tax return are not present;
- In the subsection of level 1 - Consultants and collaborators - for each consultant and collaborator - there is no curriculum, data relating to the performance of tasks or the ownership of offices in private law entities and the attestation of the verification of the non-existence of even potential situations of conflict of interest;
- The level 1 subsection - Activities and Procedures - procedural time monitoring - does not contain the results of periodic monitoring concerning compliance with procedural times;
- In the subsection of level 1 - Services provided - there is no service charter or document containing the quality standards of public services and expected waiting times and actual average waiting times for each type of service provided, as the State does not provide public services, as identified pursuant to art. 1 of the Directive of the President of the Council of Ministers 27/1/1994.

Rome, January 21, 2013

The Head of Corruption Prevention
The Head of Transparency
Daniela Frascaroli