Duties assigned and authorized to employees

Last update:19-12-2023 03:22:48

Duties assigned and authorized to employees

For the publication obligations referred to in art. 18 of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013 relating to the assigned and authorized roles, it is possible to consult, pursuant to art. 9 bis of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, at the consultancypubblici.dfp.gov.it website

(to search, type the text: Avvocatura dello Stato in the “Administration” field; choose the year of interest and the DIP filter; click on the button on the right to perform the search and view the data)

List of extra-judicial positions for lawyers and state prosecutors

In relation to the obligations established by Legislative Decree 2 February 2006, n. 35, art. 2, 3rd co., the lists of extrajudicial positions of lawyers and state prosecutors conferred pursuant to article 1, paragraph 1, letter g) and 2, paragraph 8, of the law of 25 July 2005 are published, divided by year. , n. 150.

List of tasks assigned and authorized to administrative staff

Tasks conferred and authorized to administrative staff

For the consultation of the assignments conferred and authorized to the administrative staff starting from the year 2020, reference is made, pursuant to art. 9 bis of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, on the website www.consulentipubblici.gov.it

(to search, type the text in the "Administration" field: State Attorney - Secretary General Secretary; choose the year of interest and the DIP filter; click on the button on the right to search and view the data)

Periods of absence from institutional service relating to leave of absence and non-tenured positions

Art. 8, 4th paragraph, DL 24.6.2014, n. 90, converted with amendments into L. 11.8.2014, n. 114