State Attorney General's Office I – General affairs, planning and human resources

Last update:16-04-2024 04:12:37


Curriculum vitae Three-year appointment conferred with DSG n.665/2022 starting from 3 January 2023.

Declaration on the non-existence of one of the causes of non-assignment as well as on the non-existence of one of the causes of incompatibility with the assignment of the role of Director of Office I - General Affairs, programming and human resources

Declaration relating to the publication obligations of the holders of managerial positions conferred in any capacity

  • Data relating to the assumption of other positions, in public or private bodies, and related compensation of any kind paid
  • Any other positions with costs borne by public finances and indication of the compensation due [art. 20 Legislative Decree no. 39/2013; art. 14 Legislative Decree no. 33/2013]

Annual declaration on the absence of causes of incompatibility and declaration relating to the publication obligations of the holders of managerial positions conferred for any reason [art. 20, 2nd paragraph, Legislative Decree no. 39/2013; art. 14 Legislative Decree no. 33/2013]

Data relating to the assumption of other positions, in public or private bodies, and related compensation of any kind paid

Any other positions with costs borne by public finances and indication of the compensation due


Compensation related to the employment relationship

Year 2023 2024 2025 Gross annual salary €45662.85 €47015.77 Position salary Fixed part €12565.15 €13345.11 Position remuneration Variable part €31654.02 €31654.02 Pension allowance €4331.09 €4331.09 Performance pay Gross annual total €94,173.11 €96345.99

Amount of travel and mission expenses paid with public funds

Year Amount 2023 €0

Total amount of emoluments received from public finances

Year Amount 2023 €94,173.11