2016-2018 Performance Plan

Last update:20-07-2021 03:51:51

Having regard to Legislative Decree no. 27 October 2009, 150, containing “Implementation of the law 4 March 2009, n. 15, on the subject of optimizing the productivity of public work and the efficiency and transparency of public administrations ";

Given , in particular, Articles 10 and 15 of the legislative decree n. 150/2009, according to which public administrations annually draw up a three-year programmatic document, called the Performance Plan;

Given the Consolidated Law on the State Advocacy, approved with RD 30.10.1933, n. 1611 and the related Regulation of the same date n. 1612 and subsequent amendments;

CONSIDERING the DPR 5.7.1995 n. 333;

Given the Legislative Decree. 30.3.2001, n. 165;

Given the General Directive for administrative action and management for the year 2016;

Having regard to the Performance Plan of the administrative structure of the State Attorney for the three-year period 2015-2017, adopted with DAG 29/7/2015;

Considered to adopt the Performance Plan of the administrative structure of the State Attorney's Office for the three-year period 2016-2018, in continuity with the previous Plan and in line with the three-year Plan for the prevention of corruption and the three-year Transparency and integrity program for the three-year period 2016-2018;

Having heard the Secretary General and the Evaluation Committee referred to in art. 11 of the Presidential Decree of 5 July 1995, n. 333;

Having heard the Single Guarantee Committee of the State Attorney's Office;

Inform the representative trade union organizations;


Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 10 and 15 of Legislative Decree no. 27 October 2009, 150, the Performance Plan of the administrative structure of the State Attorney's Office is adopted
for the three-year period 2016-2018, which is attached to this decree.

Massimo Massella Ducci Teri lawyer