Performance Plan - Positive Action Plan - Smart Work Organizational Plan 2021-2023

Last update:27-06-2023 10:29:10

Having regard to the Consolidated Text of the Laws on the State Attorney, approved with Royal Decree 10.30.1933, n. 1611 and the related Regulation of the same date n. 1612 and subsequent amendments;

Given the Presidential Decree 5.7.1995 n. 333 regulation laying down rules for the adaptation of the organization and functioning of the administrative structures of the State Attorney's Office to the discipline envisaged by art. 2 of the law of 23 October 1992, n. 421;

Given the Legislative Decree 30.3.2001, no. 165 general rules on the organization of work employed by public administrations;

Given the Legislative Decree 27 October 2009, no. 150, containing the “Implementation of the law of 4 March 2009, n. 15, regarding the optimization of the productivity of public work and the efficiency and transparency of public administrations”;

Seen , in particular, the articles 10 and 15 of Legislative Decree no. 150/2009, according to which the public administrations annually draw up a three-year programmatic document called the Performance Plan;

Having regard to the Guidelines for the Ministries' Performance Plan - no. 1 June 2017, issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Public Administration, Performance Evaluation Office;

Given the Directive n. 3/2017 of 1 June 2017 of the President of the Council of Ministers containing “Guidelines for the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 14 of Law 7 August 2015, n. 124 and Guidelines containing rules concerning the organization of work aimed at promoting the work-life balance of employees”;

Having regard to Law 22 May 2017, n. 81, and in particular the provisions on smart working, pursuant to articles from 18 to 23, which apply as compatible also in employment relationships employed by public administrations;

Given the Directive n. 2/2019 of 26 June 2019 of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Minister for Public Administration and Delegated Undersecretary for Equal Opportunities, containing "Measures to promote equal opportunities and strengthen the role of Single Guarantee Committees in public administrations";

Given the art. 14, paragraph 1, law 7 August 2015, n. 124, as amended by art. 263, paragraph 4 bis, of the decree-law of 19 May 2020, n. 34, converted, with amendments, by law 17 July 2020, n. 77, which provides for the adoption by 31 January of each year for the public administrations of the Agile Work Organizational Plan (POLA), as a specific section of the Performance Plan;

Having regard to the Guidelines for the Agile Work Organizational Plan (POLA), approved by decree of 9/12/2020 of the Minister for Public Administration;

Considering that with the legislative decree 27 October 2009, n. 150, regarding the optimization of the productivity of public work and the efficiency and transparency of public administrations, the importance of the principle of equal opportunities was recognized as a field for measuring and evaluating the organizational performance of public administrations;

Considering also that the Directive n. 2/2019 of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers called the administrations to adopt the three-year plan of positive actions, as an indispensable tool for programming and planning the lines of action for the promotion of equality and equal opportunities, in connection with the cycle of performance, identifying appropriate objectives for the implementation of the Directive and their monitoring, arranging for its adoption also as an attachment to the Performance Plan;

Having regard to the Performance Plan of the administrative structure of the State Attorney's Office for the three-year period 2020-2022, adopted with DAG n. 115/2020;

Having regard to the General Directive for administrative action and management for the year 2021;

Decided to define the Performance Plan of the administrative structure of the State Attorney's Office for the three-year period 2021-2023 with the priorities defined in the aforementioned Directive, in continuity with the previous Plan and in line with the three-year plan for the prevention of corruption and transparency of the three-year period 2021-2023 as well as in line with the notes to the budget;

Decided to define the State Attorney's Three-Year Positive Action Plan as an attachment to the Performance Plan for the three-year period 2021-2023;

Decided to define the Agile Work Organizational Plan (POLA) as a section of the Performance Plan for the three-year period 2021-2023;

Having consulted the Secretary General and the Evaluation Unit referred to in art. 11 of Presidential Decree 5 July 1995, n. 333;

Having heard the Board of Directors;

Having heard the Single Guarantee Committee of the State Attorney;

Heard and informed the representative trade union organizations;

The Performance Plan of the administrative structure of the State Attorney's Office for the three-year period 2021-2023 and the annexed Three-year Positive Action Plan 2021-2023, which are attached to this decree, are approved. The 2021-2023 Organizational Plan for Agile Work (POLA) has also been approved, as a specific section of the Performance Plan for the three-year period 2021-2023.
This decree will be published in the Transparent Administration section of the institutional website and on the Performance Portal website.