General secretary

Last update:01-06-2023 09:42:35

Lawyer Maurizio Greco

Appointment conferred with Presidential Decree 30/12/2022 from the date of the decree.
Pursuant to art. 17 of Law 3 April 1979, n. 103, the office, unless there is a reasoned revocation, ceases five years after the appointment and can be renewed only once for another period of five years.

Declaration on the non-existence of one of the causes of non-transferability of the office as well as on the non-existence of one of the causes of incompatibility with the awarding of the office and declaration relating to the publication obligations of the holders of top administrative positions [art. 20, 2nd paragraph, Legislative Decree no. 39/2013; art. 14 Legislative Decree no. 33/2013]

  • Data relating to the assumption of other positions, in public or private bodies, and related compensation of any kind paid
  • Any other positions with costs borne by public finances and indication of the compensation due

Compensation relating to the employment relationship (gross annual salary)

  • Year 2023: €229,897.49

Amounts of service trips and missions paid with public funds

  • Year 2023: €0

Total amount of emoluments received from public finances

  • Year 2023: