Hypothesis of supplementary agreement FUA 2010

Last update:20-07-2021 06:15:51

Supplementary agreement governing the use of the single administration fund for the year 2010, for the purpose of financing economic progressions within the areas

The State Attorney's Office and the trade unions CGIL-FP, CISL-FPS, UIL-PA, CONFSAL-UNSA, RDB-PI, FLP,

Given the hypothesis of an agreement signed on 10 July 2009 by the Avvocatura dello Stato and the trade unions. FP-CGIL, FPS-CISL, UIL-PA, CONFSAL-UNSA, FLP, for the determination of the general criteria for the definition of the selection procedures pursuant to art. 17 of the CCNL 14/9/2007,
definitively signed on January 22, 2010, at the end of the prescribed certification procedure;

Considering the need to allocate part of the Single Administration Fund for the year 2010 to the financing of economic progressions, according to the criteria established with the Agreement referred to above, with effect from 1 January 2010, and subject to allocating the residual share of the Fund to other contractual institutions; with this Agreement provide as follows

Art. 1
Resources of the Single Administrative Fund

The Single Administration Fund of the State Attorney for the year 2010, referred to in Chapter no. 4437 of the State Budget, amounts to € 1,189,688.35 ("certain sums") gross.

The amount of the so-called “Variable Quota”, consisting of economic resources deriving from savings made in 2009, will be determined with a budget adjustment provision.

Art. 2
Financing of economic progress within the effective areas

The amount of € 1,131,619.96. = gross is intended to finance economic developments within the areas starting from 1 January 2010.

With a subsequent agreement, the allocation of the residual amount of € 58,168.34 = pertaining to the "Certain Sums", as well as the amount relating to the "Variable Quota", will be determined, which will be assigned with a budget adjustment provision.

Rome, January 22, 2010

THE SECRETARY GENERAL signed Ruggero Di Martino

CGIL-FP signed Claudio Coltorti
CISL-FPS signed Corrado Nuccetelli
UIL-PA signed Tommaso Capezzone
FLP signed Giorgio Fidicci
CONFSAL-UNSA signed Franco Baccarini
RDB-PI unsigned