Technical financial and explanatory report 2-2-2010

Last update:20-07-2021 05:43:42

Procedure for the certification of supplementary collective agreements, pursuant to art. 40-bis, 2nd paragraph, of Legislative Decree no. 165/2001.

Technical-financial report.
Illustrative report.

Hypothesis of a supplementary agreement governing the use of the Single Administrative Fund for the year 2010 signed on 22.1.2010.

With the Supplementary Contract signed on 10 July 2009, and definitively signed on 22 January 2010 at the end of the certification procedure, the criteria
general for the definition of the procedures for the selections referred to in art. 17 of the CCNL
14.9.2007 (economic developments within the areas).

The requalification program for the progression in the economic brackets was
funded, in 2009, with a supplementary agreement on 1/7/2009, and an integration 10/7/2009.

These agreements have acquired the authorization pursuant to article 39, paragraph 3-ter, of law no. 449.

However, technical-organizational reasons did not allow the execution, during the
2009, of the aforementioned redevelopment program; therefore, in application of art. 2, lett. d) of the aforementioned Agreement on the use of the Single Administrative Fund for the year 2009, the sum not used for economic developments within the areas went to increase the amount referred to in art. 2 lett. e) of the same agreement (remuneration destined to the incentive of productivity, and to the bargaining of workplaces).

The parties, considering, moreover, a priority to continue in the process of applying the new professional system to the administrative staff of the Institute, which had its maximum expression in the identification of the new professional profiles referred to in the Supplementary Agreement 27/5/2009, and attributing to the institute of economic developments a highly incentive effect for employees, in the sign of the enhancement of the new professional skills outlined, they decided to re-propose the financing of economic progressions to quickly start the procedures for 2010, and with a supplementary agreement dated January 22, 2010 they agreed to use for this purpose the sum already available from the Single Administrative Fund of the current year.

The Agreement that finances the progression procedures pursues the objective of enhancing the
internal professionalism, all merged into the new professional profiles that identify, between
the other, for the first time, the typical figures supporting the professional activity of the State Attorney's Office, in whose declaration particular importance is attributed to the cycle of
processing of the legal business, relations with users and verification of their satisfaction, improvement of service delivery systems; in the context of the professional position, each worker can aspire to the achievement of higher economic progression which will constitute, like other forms of incentive and performance evaluation, an opportunity to enhance the experience and competence achieved in their work experience , of the academic and professional qualifications obtained, of the training acquired.

This requalification program is destined to have an important positive impact on individual and collective productivity levels, as it focuses on the consideration of the quality aspects of the service provided.

Hypothesis of a supplementary agreement governing the use of the Single Fund of
Administration for the year 2010.

The requalification program for progression in the economic brackets indicated above requires an adequate allocation to be paid by the Single Administration Fund.

When stipulating the hypothesis of an agreement on January 22, 2010 for the use of the FUA
of the year 2010, between the Advocacy General of the State in the person of the Secretary General, and the trade unions. FP-CGIL, FPS-CISL, UIL-PA, CONFSAL-UNSA, FLP, a portion of the resources has therefore been allocated to this program, in order to pay the upper bracket to the personnel who will be eligible, starting from 1 January 2010 .

Use of the resources of the FUA and analysis of the financial compatibility in the matter of
supplementary bargaining (articles 40 and 40-bis of legislative decree no. 165/01)

The Agreement provides pursuant to art. 17, paragraph 3 of the CCNL 14 September 2007, the
economic progressions within the Areas within the limit of the financial resources they have
certainty and stability existing and available in the Single Administration Fund, as required by art. 32, paragraph 2, sixth line, of the CCNL February 16, 1999.

In compliance with this provision, art. 1 of the Agreement shows the amount of the recalled items
resources constituting the so-called "Fixed portion" of the FUA, net of IRAP and social security contributions a
charged to the Administration, of € 1,189,688.35 assigned with the 2010 budget law on management plans no. 9 " Single fund for administration etc. - net component ", n. 2
" Tax on wages ", and no. 3 " social contributions to be paid by the worker " of chap. n.
4437ancillary personnel skills net of social security contributions
of the Administration

The amount earmarked for financing, as of 1 January 2010, the developments
economic within the areas, to be attributed to the outcome of the selection procedure of
aspirants, was estimated at € 1,131,619.96 gross.
The Contract signed on 22.1.2010 refers the destination of the
residual amount relating to the Fixed Portion of the Fund, as well as the amount relating to the Variable Portion, which will be assigned with the budget adjustment provision.

Rome, February 2, 2010

Lawyer Ruggero Di Martino